Quick Short Term Cash Loans in Sacramento, CA
- Cash Loans in Sacramento, CA in 5 Minutes
- Free On The Spot Appraisal
- Maximum Value For Your Item(s)
- State of California Regulated LOW Interest Rate
- Specializing On loans Over $2,500. No Loan Is Too High
- All transactions Are Strictly Confidential
- Open 7 Days a Week
- Friendly Customer Service Is Always Our Priority
- No Payments For 120 Days
- Home ⁄ Cash Loans

Quick Short Term Cash Loans in Sacramento, CA
Loyalty Pawn shops are the friendliest, which make us the perfect choice to get cash loans in Sacramento, CA fast and easy! Our loan process is quick, strictly confidential and a convenient option for you to get the much needed cash loan with no credit check. Simply bring us your valuable items; we will professionally appraise your items and negotiate a cash loan price. We will secure your item for 120 days or until you can pick it up. After the 120 days holding period it remains unsettled or redeemed, a ten day notice will be sent reminding you of your due date. If settling the full amount will not be possible to redeem your item, another option is to simply pay the small interest charge to extend the loan for an additional 120 days. We loan on everything from jewelry (including gold, diamonds and watches) to musical equipment, electronics, and tools. We lend you the cash you need on the spot! Loyalty Pawn stores your items in a secure, 24-hour alarm and video-recorded environment. All of our loans are non-recourse; meaning, if you cannot repay our pawn shop loans, it will not affect your credit score.
Contact Loyalty Pawn about our cash loans in Sacramento, CA and let us help you get the money you need!
Open 7 days a week
- Sell used stuff
- Buy used stuff
- Your items are appraised by professionals
- Friendly customer service
- Fast cash on the spot
- Safe and secure collateral loans
- We pay more!